Kreel Manor: The Dungeon crawl card game
Prequel to the award-winning Veilwraith: A Veil Odyssey Game, Kreel Manor takes place before the end of the world, whence colour and life still bloomed.
A last alliance of powerful heroes discovers the existence of a tear in the Veil between worlds, which threatens to release a plague of ancient demons upon the realm of Kilforth. Venturing forth, the heroes trace the source of this foul scourge to its origin: the ominous and deadly citadel, Kreel Manor.
Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game
The land of Kilforth is a perilous domain filled with nefarious monsters, mysterious Strangers and treacherous Locations, and dominated at its centre by The Sprawl, a huge city where intrepid Heroes begin their journey to fame and fortune. Throughout the land various factions vie for power over each other, such as the supposedly noble Order of the Rose or the terrifying Doom Guard. And presiding over the world outside Kilforth is the ever-present Overlord, Masklaw…

Shadows of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game
Far along the Eastern Frontiers of Kilforth, the malignant gloom has returned. The Ancients lurk in the shadows, conducting their terrible affairs once more. New, terrifying and pernicious creatures emerge from beyond the veil. But as new threats rise, new heroes gather their arms and their wits to meet them. From the frail safety of the ancient Shrine of Moneshoba, a small band of heroes ventures forth….
Call of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game
Along the southern fringes of Kilforth, the Ancients finalise their insidious plans and send forth the unstoppable gloom. Heroes and villains take to their ships, boasting loyalties to the imperious Blue Drake Navy or the lawless Sea Dogs. And as ill winds blow through the idyllic tropical archipelago, beneath the cerulean waves, great beings stir…

The hush settled across the land beneath the obsidian skies. There was a hissing from the trees as they recoiled from the broiling mists, their branches curling up and twisting into ash, then blowing away on the breeze. As the stars faded in the sky the terrible silence was deafening.
1565, St. Elmo’s Pay
Relive the Greatest Siege in History! Suleiman the Magnificent’s 30,000 strong armada descends on the 500 beleaguered Knights of St John and the defending people of Malta, with the express purpose of wiping them from existence, and changing the course of history forever…

1066, Tears to Many Mothers
1066, Tears to Many Mothers is an asymmetric, competitive tactical card game in the style of Magic the Gathering, but non-collectable. In other words, whilst we do have plans for other theatres of conflict as future stand-alone sets, you will receive the complete game in the box.

1815, Scum of the Earth
KICKSTARTING IN MARCH! Napoleon Bonaparte is determined to rise back to power and claim all of Europe as his prize! But he is stopped in his tracks by the might of forces led by the unassuming yet undefeated Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, and his charismatic Prussian ally Blücher.