“1815, Scum of the Earth” – The Battle of Waterloo Card Game launches 19th March!

Our next gorgeous game “1815, Scum of the Earth” – The Battle of Waterloo Card Game is Kickstarting on 19th March! Check out this Kickstarter preview page link and don’t forget to click Notify Me On Launch: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tristanhall/1815-scum-of-the-earth-the-battle-of-waterloo-card-game?ref=6wo2oh&token=bc778aab Dunno about you but I’m giddy as a kipper! 😀

Thunderstone Strategy Series: Assess the Setup

Just got Thunderstone as a gift recently and it’s proving to be awesome solo and even more fun – and very competitive – in two player mode too.  In the following article, AEG’s Mark Wootton discusses Thunderstone strategies, and as a TS noob I found his thoughts very useful – hope you do too:http://www.alderac.com/thunderstone/2011/03/06/strategy-series-assess-the-setup/And if you haven’t picked this little gem of a game up yet, what are you waiting for??