Shadows of Kilforth Kickstarter Avatars
Roll up, roll up, come get your avatars for the Shadows of Kilforth Kickstarter!! KINER BODYGUARD CLAIRVOYANT YAKUZA DISGUISED NOBLE SORCERER OGRE

Tears of Kilforth Promo Card Example
When the medieval England world of 1066, Tears to Many Mothers crosses over to Kilforth there will be Tears of Kilforth…
Gloom of Kilforth – Fantasy Quest Rules 12th January 2013 ‘GLOOM OF KILFORTH: A FANTASY QUEST GAME’ – RULES Okay, we’re creeping closer ever so slowly to delivery and here is the latest rule set for my opus. The formatting is all over the shop by the looks of things, this always happens when I upload stuff to scribd or embedit.in – but please let me know if there are any grammar or spelling errors or if there any major uncertainties to the rules! Thanks in advance, and you can catch me at the usual email address: holycriphesacrapple at gmail... View Article
Prepping Fantasy Quest for UK Games Expo
Some peeps accused me of being camera shy so I thought I’d better come out of the closet… Wondering how it will go at the Expo tomorrow: With the missus lending her support: See you there, folks! ND
This amazing Fantasy Quest T-shirt could be yours!
All you have to do is ask me “Where did you get those cool T shirts?” at the UK Games Expo! See, the only thing I own right now is the name, so that’s why you get the incredibly stark, instantly recognisable – ‘artless’ you might say – branding. Game/wine/table/etc not included… We only have one spare, so make sure you act fast. 🙂
Fantasy Quest Angry Strangers!
If you piss off enough people in Gloom of Kilforth: the Fantasy Quest Game, experience has proven that it can sometimes be hard to keep track of who is still mad at you! So you can use these helpful tokens to keep track of your personal grudges. Each player takes a couple of ‘Angry Stranger’ tokens of the same colour at the start of the game. If negotiations with a Stranger don’t go so well (i.e. you get zero successes – it happens) simply pop a token onto the irate Stranger to show that he is now your Enemy. Remember... View Article
Win a copy of Fantasy Quest!
You will need a BoardGameGeek account to bid geekgold for a promo copy of Fantasy Quest here: http://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/141279/item/2128401#item2128401 🙂