No more games – play what you’ve got! Part 6, MISSION FAILED!!! I BOUGHT NEW GAMES!!!

Part 1: No more new games – play what you’ve got! Part 2, Return of the Living Deck Builders The Not Nearly As Thumbed Part 3, Hang On – Some Of These Aren’t Even On The List Part 4, But You Can’t Just Throw Away Gifts, Obviously… Part 5, Part 5, Fortune and Zombies, Kid I’ve banned new games from being purchased in 2014 to allow us a year to play through all the games we’ve already got.  If a brilliant, must-have game emerges this year I’ll just have to wait to see if it... View Article

When it’s time to move on from those old titles you love…

When it’s time to move on from those old titles you love… Over the years I’ve amassed quite a number of board games that I’ve loved and played to death and that have then gone cupboard- or attic-wards and disappeared into obscurity collecting dust and forgotten memories like weird cardboard time capsules. A few years ago I had to have a bit of a clean out to make room for our rapidly incoming child and that little purge saw a stack of the old 80s/90s Games Workshop titles hit eBay.  Goodbyes were said to a few notables: Dark Future –... View Article