LOTR: LCG Massing at Osgiliath Review
Massing at Osgiliath Warning: this review contains a whole bunch of spoilers. After the overwhelming response to my review of the then-new and interesting Hunt for Gollum: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/7024671#7024671 followed by the underwhelming response to my review of the rather disappointing Conflict at the Carrock: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/691006/disappointing-solo-single-deck-experience hopefully this review will leave you feeling averagely whelmed. First off, I haven’t played A Journey to Rhosgobel yet so this is only the third LOTR expansion I’ve experienced so far. But I can categorically state that it is by far the best scenario yet, including the core set scenarios. I didn’t think I’d immediately... View Article