For use with Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalaon or Legend of Drizzt:

They need more road testing and currently only go up to Level 5, but since you asked here are my current rules for campaign play:

For each level you gain +2HP, +1 AC, +1 Surge Value plus:

Level 2 = 1 new Daily

Level 3 = 1 new Utility

Level 4 = 1 new At Will

Level 5 = 1 new Daily

And the cost for levelling is:

Level 2 = 10XP (you can still level up to Level 2 using 5XP and a natural 20, but not to Level 3+)

Level 3 = 20XP

Level 4 = 30XP

Level 5 = 40XP

You’d have to make a note of XP between adventures though because the monster cards need shuffling back into the deck to restock the dungeon each time.

Also, no hero can reach a new Level until all Heroes have caught up to his current level, so you couldn’t have a Level 5 hero in the same party as a Level 1 hero for example.

To scale the game to fit tougher heroes, you start drawing Monster Tokens (from Castle Ravenloft) instead of just placing one Monster when you draw a new tile:

1 creature for Hero Levels 1-2

1-2 creatures for Hero Levels 2-3

1-3 creatures for Hero Levels 3-4 (with minor villains mixed in)

2-3 creatures for Hero Levels 4-5 (with all villains mixed in)

I’ll post more details once I have the campaign rules down, but further scaling – using randomised Objective tiles – will also mean that the higher level heroes will have to go further into the dungeon to win, i.e. objective tiles start getting placed further down the tile stack (12th-15th instead of 9th-12th, for example).