Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.

At the risk of being my nerdiest, most boring post ever (and there are some real contenders) I thought I’d share this with you all. I found this stat log of earlier games of Castle Ravenloft over the past couple of years – about 90 games’ worth (or approximately 4 days of solid gaming )! These are mostly before introducing our Complete Campaign Rules with event cards, etc and use 2 surges unless stated otherwise. Whilst some of you might be bored until you’re sick in the mouth I figured some of you might find it interesting so here goes – please excuse... View Article

Lords of Waterdeep – NinjaDorg gets his arse kicked

Her irony loaded words filled me with a heady mixture of expectation management but also pride:“Okay then, let’s get this boring board game over with so we can watch another episode of The Walking Dead.”My wife is not a gamer. Not by any stretch. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. She kind of benignly sees my board game addiction as a much more preferable alternative to me getting sloshed down the pub every Saturday watching footie with the lads. So once every blue moon she’ll indulge me when a new title lands and I can’t wait until Thursday... View Article

Dungeons & Dragons Official Home Page – Design Article (Lords of Waterdeep)

Lords of Waterdeep Design & Development Rodney Thompson and Peter Lee Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page – Article (Lords of Waterdeep): ‘via Blog this’ ords of Waterdeep is a new strategy board game set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, debuting this month. In this Euro-style game, players send off their Agents to recruit Adventurers and recruit Quests. In this article, designers Rodney Thompson and Peter Lee describe the prototyping process and how the early, simple prototypes evolved into the high-end board game you can find in stores now. Prototype Design Rodney: Today we want to talk a little... View Article

Dungeons & Dragons Lords of Waterdeep Design Article

Interesting design article on Lords of Waterdeep, looking forward to this one… Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page – Article (Lords of Waterdeep):‘via Blog this’ ords of Waterdeep is a new Dungeons & Dragons strategy board game, debuting this month. In this game, players send off their agents to recruit adventurers and recruit quests. In this article, designers Rodney Thompson and Peter Lee describe how this new D&D board game was designed. Two Halves Make a Whole Peter: Immediately after Gen Con 2008, I was travelling back to Wisconsin for the first time since joining Wizards. On the... View Article

Drizzt Vs Strahd – The Hunt For Strahd Part 2

Drizzt and Artemis and Vs Count Strahd – The Hunt For Strahd Part 2 We have played a LOT of the D&D Adventure System.  But I can’t tell you the number of times we’ve lost to this scenario.  Actually I can: every time we’ve played it.  But this time we were determined to defeat the evil Count.  So much so, in fact, that we also agreed to follow the adventure book’s advice for when you’re feeling down and take three healing surges with us instead of two.  Two surges is just never enough for this high level scenario.  Especially when... View Article

Legend of Drizzt: Hero Levelling cards for campaign play

Legend of Drizzt: Hero Levelling cards for campaign play The following are the Levelling Hero cards for the Heroes of Legend of Drizzt.  They are for use with the Dungeons and Dragons Adventures System campaign rules which can be found here: Thanks to Malone76 and GeckoTH for the templates!

Dungeons & Dragons Castle Ravenloft Adventure Database | BoardGameGeek

For those of you not already on BGG (and you should be!) this is a great resource for finding and rating official and unofficial scenarios for the D&D games. Plus one more vote and my own Kobold Wars adventure will enter the rankings too… 😉 Dungeons & Dragons Castle Ravenloft Adventure Database | BoardGameGeek: ‘via Blog this’