Lord of the Rings – Nightmare Expansion Card Previews

The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Nightmare Expansion Card Previews. Hey guys, Here’s a cool treat for all my blog followers – FFG have kindly permitted me to release the following two card previews for you from the forthcoming Nightmare Expansion… Abandoned Camp, a pretty horrific new Land card: And the soul-sapping Pursuit On The Shore, an uncancellable (definitely a word) Treachery which our group has learned to respect and dread in equal measure: Enjoy!  🙂 And for more details and gameplay breakdown check out my exclusive preview here: http://ratdorg.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/lord-of-rings-card-game-nightmare.html ND

Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Nightmare Expansion

More info on FFG’s site here:http://fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3792UPDATE: and for some exlusive card previews, check out my blog link here:http://ratdorg.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/lord-of-rings-nightmare-expansion-card.html    FFG recently very kindly blessed us with the opportunity to try the forthcoming Lord of the Rings Nightmare scenarios.  These are the scenarios from the original Lord of the Rings: The Living Card Game core set, but with a difference.  Designer Nate French gave an analogy of them being ‘like an old friend’ – and this analysis was bang on the money!  Everything was familiar but very different.I mean, when was the last time you heard any veteran LOTR player say... View Article

NinjaDorg’s Star Wars: The Card Game Review

I was definitely one of those looking forward to a cooperative Star Wars game, especially after how successfully Fantasy Flight handled The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game.  Early reports on the game play of the cooperative Star Wars card game were positive too and I was eager to see how it played out.  My group will play competitive games no hassle, but it’s great to have the option to play cooperative games with less gamer-y friends and family and maybe to have a solo option for when the family is tucked up in bed.  So when I found... View Article

Descent 2nd edition expansion photo

Descent 2nd edition expansion at GenCon, photo courtesy of Tom Vasel: http://twitter.com/thedicetower/status/236085196267593728/photo/1/large

Branching Paths at LCGPARIS 2012

Big shout out to Michael Hatik and all the French LOTR: LCG gamers at LCGPARIS 2012 who, whilst also play-testing FFG’s new scenario Foundations of Stone, also played through my own Branching Paths scenario.  More info including photos of the event can be found here: http://sdajce.forumactif.org/t837p120-championnat-des-lcg-samedi-23-juin-2012-photos Looks like a great time was had by all!  🙂

Lost in The Long Dark

From the FFG article here: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3244 The passage twisted round a few turns, and then began to descend… In the pale ray of the wizard’s staff, Frodo caught glimpses of stairs and arches, and of other passages and tunnels, sloping up, or running steeply down, or opening blankly dark on either side. It was bewildering beyond hope of remembering.    –The Fellowship of the Ring, “A Journey in the Dark” After surviving a desperate struggle with The Watcher in the Water, the heroes of Middle-earth pass at last through the Doors of Durin and into the ancient mines of Moria. Within those... View Article

Our very final adventures in Dragonfire Castle.

Our very final adventures in Dragonfire Castle. Before my great 2012 clearout I dusted off DungeonQuest for some final adventures into Dragonfire Castle before calling it a day on this old classic.  Even as a kid, back in the day I always felt there was something missing from DungeonQuest.  It was fun for a quick blast of mostly comedy gaming but meatier dungeon crawl games soon took over and DQ began to gather a thick layer of dust. I was lucky enough to pick up the Heroes expansion but never managed to track down Catacombs, which looked like the most... View Article

Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition New Preview

Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, the updated version of our classic dungeon-delving board game, is coming this summer! This all-new presentation of a beloved title maintains the core experience fans enjoy – an epic semi-cooperative adventure in which brave heroes venture into dangerous caves, ancient ruins, dark dungeons, and cursed forests to battle monsters, earn riches, and attempt to stop the evil overlord from carrying out his vile plot. Last time, we saw an overview of what’s included in Second Edition’s Quest Guide, and we heard from its designer, Adam Sadler. Today, we’re pleased to present an in-depth preview of the... View Article

Something Tookish Woke Up

Something Tookish Woke Up “The hobbit felt the love of beautiful things made by hands and by cunning and by magic moving through him, a fierce and jealous love, the desire of the hearts of dwarves. Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains… and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.”    –The HobbitWe recently had the privilege to announce the upcoming release of The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. The response has been fantastic, and today we’ll take a... View Article

Sneaking Past The Watcher in the Water, Part One

From the original FFG article here: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3171 “The road must be trod, but it will be very hard. And neither strength nor wisdom will carry us far upon it. This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.”    –Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring Through The Redhorn Gate and along the Road to Rivendell, Arwen and the heroes of Middle-earth have been taxed nearly to their limits... View Article