FFG News – Return to Mirkwood for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Fantasy Flight Games [News] – There and Back Again Gandalf the Grey suspects the wretched creature known as Gollum holds the key to thwarting the Dark Lord of Mordor. In Return to Mirkwood, the heroes of Middle-earth have captured Gollum and must escort him back to Mirkwood for interrogation in King Thranduil’s palace. With the information he might gain from the interrogation, Gandalf hopes to piece together the truth of the One Ring’s fate in order to keep it out of the Dark Lord’s clutches…

The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – NinjaDorg’s first six scenarios in hi res

Courtesy of BGG user GeckoTH all of my scenarios are now available in hi res format and ready for download here:   NinjaDorg’s The Lord of the RIngs: The Card Game Fanmade Scenario 1, The Old Forest.   NinjaDorg’s The Lord of the RIngs: The Card Game Fanmade Scenario 2, The Lost Road   NinjaDorg’s The Lord of the RIngs: The Card Game Fanmade Scenario 3 Forgotten Ruins   NinjaDorg’s The Lord of the RIngs: The Card Game Fanmade Scenario 4, The Elven Assembly   NinjaDorg’s The Lord of the RIngs: The Card Game Fanmade Scenario 5, Ungoliant’s Lair  ... View Article

NinjaDorg’s Scenario 6: Branching Paths – Hunt for Gollum alternative quest

I dispensed with the sepia flavour text card sides this time.  I developed this extra long quest a while back, but held off on finishing it until the new Gollum cards arrived, and the Clue mechanic ties into it nicely.I think that this ‘branching paths’ idea is probably something FFG have already considered as there are hints of it in the Mirkwood quest, but I’m not sure how cost effective it would be for them to pursue – people might complain that they’re not getting as many hero/encounter cards instead.  In any case, hopefully the difficulty of this quest is... View Article

The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, The Hunt For Gollum Review

Building Decks to Hunt For Gollum Rant starts here: The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is ostensibly a brilliant game, but is does have its foibles.  I’m praying that they’re just teething issues from its inception as the first cooperative ‘living card game’, and that FFG are simply finding their feet with it.  And since I’ve already had tons of fun with it I’m not too bothered about being a guinea pig for FFG’s gaming experimentation either.  The fact that the art is arguably the best in any game yet released, and that it’s Tolkien-based, that it’s cooperative,... View Article

Rock, Paper, Shotgun LOTR Review

Rockpapershotgun’s review of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game… Not Cardboard Children: Two’s Company | Rock, Paper, Shotgun: “The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game.” Skim’s over the difficulty of finding the best way to play the game and misses the scaling issues, but all in all a good review. Recommended.